Fresh-Frozen, Right in the Field

At Denali BioTechnologies Inc., we handpick our delicate fruits and greens in extremely rough terrain, which is far removed from traditional processing facilities. Given this challenge of isolation, how do we maintain the freshness of our yield, as well as the exacting hygienic standards for which we’re known?

The answer is portable freezers.

We freeze all of our materials as soon as they’re picked in freezers that we bring right into the fields. The freezers travel to the field via the limited road system in Alaska, or alternatively they are loaded onto ferries or barges used to travel to remote communities. They are then hauled to the fields (often on trailer beds pulled by all-terrain vehicles on logging roads or snow machine trails) and powered by generators on location. After the botanicals are frozen, they are immediately dried with Refractance Window® drying.

It’s a daunting logistical challenge, but we’ll go to any length to make sure the goodness of our fruits and greens is perfectly preserved.